Inter-A Society Values

At the annual general meeting in June 2005, the members of the Inter-A Student Society passed a motion to accept certain beliefs and principles about the Inter-A program. These were developed from an initial meeting held in the spring of 2004, when students, alumni, teachers, and parents gathered to share ideas.

In Inter-A we believe in:

  1. Welcoming students of differing abilities into the program.

  2. Encouraging students to build on the individual strengths they bring to the program.

  3. Respecting diversity.

  4. Building and strengthening partnerships between students, parents, alumni and teachers.

  5. Modifying the program to reflect the needs of the partners.

  6. Using a cross-curricular, cross-graded approach to learning.

  7. Assisting individual growth while at the same time developing group skills.

  8. Taking education beyond the classroom.

  9. Developing leadership skills and citizenship.

  10. Having students contribute to the greater community.